For example, we do not validate that length is a positive number big enough for a meaningful ruler or that the file specified is a valid image file type for ImageMagick. 例如,对于长度是不是对一个有意义的标尺足够大的正数值,或者指定的文件是不是ImageMagick的有效图像文件类型,我们没有进行验证。
A positive number defines the number of seconds a cache entry exists in the cache. 整数定义缓存条目在缓存中存在的秒数值。
But what happens if you use a signed value to store this& can an attacker cause it to "go negative" and then later have that data interpreted as a really large positive number? 但是如果使用一个有符号的值来存储这个长度值会发生什么情况呢――攻击者会使它“成为负值”,然后把该数据解释为一个实际上很大的正值吗?
This squared is always a positive number and not a negative. 平方项永远是不小于0的。
Zero is neither positive number nor negative number. 零既不是正数,也不是负数。
Please enter a positive number. 请输入一个正数。
If you get a Positive number after subtracting, and your gut tells you that the change is GOOD, decide to change. 如果你在减去后得到一个积极的分数,你的直觉在告诉你改变是好的,那么就决定去改变。
So we're going to have a positive number there. 负的裂解键能,所以在这我们会得到正数。
It's a positive number. 它是正数。
OK, it's not a real method. That's why I'm not getting a positive number. 这不是一个真正的方法。
{ The Start At value is not valid.} Type a positive number for the Start At value, or use the arrows to select a value. {起始值无效。}请在起始值框中输入一个正数,或用箭头选择一个值。
Five is a positive number. 五加四的和是九。
And note that that's generally a positive number. 一般来说速率是个正数。
Well, the first thing I know is that this is a positive number. 好,我们知道的第一件事是这是一个正数。
Everything inside the parenthesis is positive, so minus a positive number. 而其中间的一切,也是正数,所以正数的相反是负数。
By the way, just to think about it a little bit, it's a positive number. 此外,再多考虑一下,他是一个正数。
The result of this calculation must be a positive number. 这一计算的结果必须是一个正数。
Similarly, you can change a milestone into a task by setting the duration to a positive number. 同样,将里程碑的持续时间设置为正数可以将其变换为任务。
You must enter a positive number of days for Discussion items to be automatically deleted. 讨论项自动删除的天数必须输入为正数。
No positive number, no negative number. That's a zero. 没有正数,没有负数,只是个零。
The supplied display height must be specified as a positive number. 提供的显示高度必须指定为一个正数。
The measurement is not in expected range. Enter a valid positive number. 数值不在有效范围内。请输入一个有效正数。
{ The interval value is not valid.} Type a positive number for the interval. {间隔值无效。}请键入一个正数作为间隔值。
To be a positive number. 以保证他是个正数。
And there's a bigger number than this, so it's a positive number overall. 这是一个很大的数,所以这边总的来说是正数。
You picked a positive number. 你选择了一个正数。
You must specify a positive number of records for each group. 您必须为每组记录数指定一个正数值。
A scale is required. Enter a positive number. 需要一个比例。请输入一个正数。
Because we've got one q1 and then we're adding q2 over q1 to it, but we've got negative q2 is a positive number. 这是因为这里有个,然后加上了q2除以,但是我们知道负的q2是个正数。